Bible verse (1 Peter 2:13)

Thought for the day
isn’t what I had in mind for today’s episode of Walking the Way, but it’s
something that has been on my mind for a few days now. I read an article over
the Easter weekend about church ministers that were refusing to close their
churches during this period of lockdown that we’re all experiencing. And I’ll
admit as a church minister I was torn about closing when the COVID-19 crisis
broke here in the UK. In the end that decision was taken away from by those
higher up the liturgical candle than me. But there is still a part of me that
wants to open my churchs not for worship but for sanctuary.
verse from 1 Peter came to mind. ‘For the sake of the Lord submit yourself to
every human authority…’ Our submission to the authorities over us is both for
our ‘peaceful and quiet life’ to quote Paul and a sacrificial act according to
Peter. It is to be done for the sake of the Lord.
not suggesting we don’t confront abuses of power I’m just saying we need to
pick our battles. Those churches that insist on staying open are fighting a
battle with the authorities that will no doubt sour the relationships between
those churches and their local authorities. And I find that rather short-sighted. This pandemic will pass and we will be left with the consequences of our actions.
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